Monday, September 7

Labels Gadget Will Improve Blogger Search Engine Optimization

A few days ago I discussed  internal linking and improving your blogger navigation and SEO. The point is to make it easy for your visitors to navigate your blog and help the web searchers find your blog entries through search engines as well.

The Archive feature in blogger that we discussed has been around for a while. Recently, blogger introduced the "Labels" gadget. This is just what the doctor ordered! In this blog, I decided to name the gadget "For More Information on Dofollow and Blogger Marketing Visit:" and place it at the bottom of the blog. The style chosen is "Cloud". Visit the Dofollow Cool blog and scroll to the bottom of the page to see it. In the Echoes of Wisdom blog it is called "Labels|Tags|Categories". There, it is placed in the sidebar with as a list style.

Inspect the Labels gadget visually. You may realize that you'll have to modify a few labels that you have used when you wrote your posts, maybe trim their length. Maybe consolidate similar labels into one lable. Maybe you will need to add labels in the first place. Go ahead, do that - it will help you clarify your posts and your purpose with your blog.

Add a Labels gadget to your blogger. Help people find you through Labels/Tags and enable your visitors get more information they are looking for quickly.


Anonymous said...

Maybe consolidate similar labels into one lable. Maybe you will need to add labels in the first place. Go ahead, do that - it will help you clarify your posts and your purpose with your blog.

Disclosure said...

Leith, thanks for your comment. Clicking on your name shows that your profile is not public? Anyways, the labels have become quite wild, you are right. And when I rehash them, the purpose will be clearer. Thanks again for stopping by.

moving companies said...

The labels gadget is definitely a good way to improve your search engine optimization in Blogger. It does take some playing around with, though, to get the labels behaving the way you want them to. They need to be properly organized in order to be user-friendly for your readers. By the way, I think your keyword exchange is a great idea - more bloggers should adopt this practice.

Matt @ DofollowCool Keyword Exchange said...

Moving companies, I agree more people could adopt keyword exchange.

You can find more information on keyword exchange at dofollowcool keyword exchange proposal page.

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